Service for filter plants
Infastaubs offers professional service. We are your partner for dedusting, sourcing and standby of pare and wearing parts, for services and measures for the modernization of your filter unit.
As we have the overview of all phases of a project we support and accompany our clients during the entire implementation process. Due to our experience and special maintenance services we are at your disposal after installation and commissioning and beyond.
The successful commissioning of your filter unit starts with a professional assembly and commissioning. Experienced service employees guarantee a optimal assembly as well as the safe adjusting of the filter unit.
The commissioning covers an extensive function testing as well as a detailed training of your operating staff. All relevant system processes are testetd on their functionality and the joint work of all components depending on each other.
Our offer includes:
- a professional assembly team
- installation of mechanical and electronical equipment
- performance tests as proof of the specified parameter and the quality of dedusting
- instruction and training of the operating staff
A professional maintenance and service are necessary for a frictionless and efficient operating for every filter unit. In order that your filter unit is in operating Long-term, we offer you the "Infastaub maintenance service " with inspections and services of your filter unit.
An alternative are our maintenance contracts. Together with you we determine the maintenance and service assignments at your filter unit, which are carried out in certain intervals and at fixed costs.
Regular measurements make sure, that your filter unit runs in an optimal way and all environmental constraints are met. In addition the measures deliver information about development of the filter unit condition.
We execute aerial and acoustic measures, whose proof you need for the proof of complying directives by law and trade association. Following our measures your receive a detailed report for further decisions.
Our experienced engineers, assembly specialists and commissioning experts instruct your operating personnel in a professional and proper manner.
Within our trainings and instruction, we correspondingly set for the following group of persons different priorities and specifically tailored focus to the particular duties:
- Operating personell
- Maintenance staff
- Technical staff
Furthermore, we provide trainings regarding procedural problems at filter plants. The subjects and scope of trainings will be coordinated with our customers in consideration of respective individual needs in advance.
Possible training subjects are e.g.:
- Basics of dedusting technology
- Basics of filter plants
- Properties of cleanable filter plants
- Planning tips for designing filter plants
- Explosion protection at filter plants
- Basics of filter media