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Dedusting of different conveyor transfer points with pocket filter

A cement producer transports secondary fuels (so-called fluff) via conveyors to the calcination furnaces. A top filter Infa-Jet AJN 302 was installed at one transfer point of these conveyors. The whirled-up dust caused by the belt transfer point is separated by the filter unit and lead back to the transport process.

The exhaust noises of the flanged fan is reduced by silencers. The entire unit is designed very compact.

The pocket filter is designed for a volume flow of 2,700 m³/h and a raw gas dust load of

Technical data
Filter typePocket filter Infa-Jet AJN 302
Dust kindChopped tar paper, abrasion, sand, textile fibres
Volume flow[m³/h]2,700
Raw gas dust content[g/m³]< 40
Clean gas dust content[mg/m³]< 10
Filter area[m²]30
Air-to-cloth ratiom³/m²*minmax. 1.5


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