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Spare parts for filtering installations

Since down times of filter plants cause costs, we care for the necessary spare parts and ensure you a fast delivery of needed materials. Our spare parts team promptly meets your spare parts needs and cares together with logistics and our service teams for a quickest possible delivery and assembly.

With our spare parts packages of return materials we care for your correct stock of spare parts. Our spare parts team advices your with spare parts suggestions and offers.

Our services at a glance:

  • Extensive stock keeping of recurrend spare partes
  • All sparts parts and service features from one hand
  • Procedural consulting
  • Plantspecifical packages of spare parts and wear parts

Infastaub service and spare parts request

Personal informations:
Spare parts

I need the following spare parts (Please specify number of pieces, exact partial name and/or Infastaub item number). You find this information in the documentation documents/spare part lists

Serial number:

If possibe, please specify the serial number of the filter for which the spare part is determined (Format: XXXX /YY .ZZ-A)


In addition, I need the following service:

Your message:
Please, send me the offer by:
Data protection

Market place

You find the market place for used filter units here.


You find all manuals PDF files here.

Trade fairs

You find all upcoming fair dates here.


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